Saturday, November 7, 2015

Tar Paper Before the Storm

Sorry for the delayed posting--I got distracted by a much needed vacation!  Rewinding the clock about a month, though, East Coast folks may remember a five days of cold, damp drizzle that culminated in a nor'easter.  That week, I was in major stress mode trying to get the tar paper up to keep the sheathing dry.  I managed to do it in between damper periods, working solo.  Thank goodness for my well-behaved hammer stapler and long overhangs that kept the walls relatively dry even during the light precipitation.  Here's how it looked as of Thursday October 1, just before the major rain moved in that night.

With the house in a short-lived stealth mode, I was ready for the forecast 5-7 inches of rain with tarps, to avoid erosion under the eaves and haybale check dams to slow down the flow of water along the driveway in front of the house.  Luckily, we didn't get nearly that much precip, and it ended up being a slow steady rain rather than a gully-washer.

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